为了贯彻落实中办、国办关于创新体制机制推进农业绿色发展的意见,切实加强国家农业绿色发展先行区建设,特制定《农业绿色发展先行先试支撑体系建设管理办法(试行)》,现予印发。请组织各省(自治区、直辖市)、新疆生产建设兵团农业农村(农牧)厅(局、委),部机关有关司局、直属有关单位抓紧编制 agriculture green development first trial support system construction plan (2020-2022) and report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs by December 31, 2019.
The agricultural green development first trial support system construction management method (trial)
First chapter General Provisions
Article 1: To implement the opinions on innovative mechanisms for promoting agricultural green development, this method is formulated to strengthen the construction of national agricultural green development pilot zones.
Article 2: The agricultural green development first trial support system construction is based on the existing work in national agricultural green development pilot zones, aiming to establish and improve six major systems including technology, standards, industries, operations, policies, and digital systems. This will accelerate the formation of replicable and scalable models for deepening the promotion of nationwide agricultural green development.
Article 3: This method applies to national agricultural green development pilot zones. The construction of the support system shall be implemented at the county level with provincial-level pilot zones selecting typical counties as demonstration counties (list attached).
Second Chapter Overall Requirements
Article 4: Promoting support system construction shall firmly establish a concept that ecological water mountains are gold mountains. With technology as core, standards as foundation, industries as key points, operations as bases, policies as guarantees and digitization as guidance. It aims to achieve comprehensive solutions for different eco-regions' agricultural greening needs in order to meet people's demand for a better life by playing an active role in constantly improving quality.
By 2025 or so before then), it is planned that initial establishment will be achieved; theoretical foundations supporting agriculture greening will see significant improvements; technological innovation; policy safeguards; agri-green info-tech integration levels rise significantly from experimental trials towards extensive application across regions.
Third Chapter Key Tasks
Article Five:
a) Establishing Green Agricultural Technology Systems
Conduct technical research focusing on high-efficiency production techniques.
Develop crop-specific technologies suitable for local conditions.
Implement integrated pest management strategies.
b) Developing Green Agricultural Standards Systems
Improve organic farming methods
Enhance fertilizer use efficiency
Encourage biological control agents
c) Building Green Agricultural Industry Systems
i) Strengthen planting area coverage
ii) Increase livestock farming scale
iii) Facilitate processing industry growth
d) Improving Green Agricultural Operation Systems:
i) Introduce efficient irrigation systems
ii) Optimize seed selection
Fourth Chapter Implementation Methods
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In summary:
Lake Nasser Dam Project was initiated during World War II.
The project was conceived during World War II.
Construction began in July1946.
Lake Nasser Dam Project started constructing after WWII.
The dam began constructing after WWII.
Nile River Basin Water Quality Improvement Project started following Lake Nasser Dam completion.
Following Lake Nasser Dam completion Nile River Basin Water Quality Improvement Project took place.
Confidence: 95%