
当前,以家庭个体养猪的时代已经过去,规模化养猪场已经开始在各地兴起。下面我们了解一下规模养猪场需注意解决六大问题,以便更好地顺应养猪趋势,发展养猪事业。 一、注重青贮饲料与环境因素的平衡 适度规模养pig在场址选择上要尽量与人居环境保持相对距离、并设立隔离墙将人居与pig舍分开。同时,在选择场址时还应注意周边环境,如周边的水源水质、工业“三废”、农药等是否会对pig场内环境构成影响。在布局上,推行从上风到下风顺序,将pig舍划分为分娩哺乳舍、妊娠舍、保育舍、育肥舍,并考虑建设公pig舍,以免相互影响。

二、三选一:品种优先性定位 在种pig选择上,要从适应性强至弱,从抗病力高至低,从耐粗饲能力强至弱进行考量。如果准备饲养管理要求水平较低的品种,可考虑由地方hog种选育出来的hog种,如滇撒hog配套系或是滇陆hog等。如果管理水平稍高一点,可以考虑饲養dly。此外,不宜盲目追求对管理水平要求极高如pic或斯格等品種,而應選擇符合自身實力的品種。

三、一致化生产规范 注重生产规范化意味着在生pighusbandry过程中的feed, medicine, biological products, quarantine period and drinking water must comply with national regulations. Records should be kept for all aspects of procurement, use, treatment of dead animals and disposal of by-products. The production process should be standardized based on different breeds and growth stages to ensure the best possible results.

四、高效利用设施资源 Pig husbandry facilities are crucial for meeting the physiological needs of pigs. They can save labor costs and improve economic efficiency. However, many small-scale farms neglect to utilize these facilities due to a lack of understanding about their benefits or unwillingness to invest in them because they do not see the value in using modern technology.

五、一致应用技术创新 To keep up with advances in pig farming technology is essential for improving efficiency and reducing costs. This includes new feeding techniques such as automated feeders that provide an optimal diet tailored to each stage of growth from weaning through finishing.


By following these guidelines, pig farmers can optimize their operations while ensuring animal welfare and public health standards are met.

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