bananas are a delicious and nutritious fruit that grow on large plants with long, flat leaves. these leaves provide shade for the fruit and help to protect it from the elements. but did you know that banana leaves also contain a hidden treasure? inside each leaf is a small, black seed that contains all of the genetic information needed to grow a new banana plant.
oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are all part of the citrus family of plants. these plants produce beautiful flowers and delicious fruits, but they also have an interesting secret: their seeds can be used to make essential oils! by drying out the seeds and extracting their oils, people can create fragrances like lemon oil or orange oil.
pineapples are one of nature's most unique fruits - they're not actually one fruit at all! instead, pineapple is made up of many tiny fruitlets fused together into one big package. each fruitlet contains its own seed within it - this means that when you eat pineapple you're consuming dozens (or even hundreds!) of tiny little seeds.
mangos are another tropical fruit with some amazing secrets hiding in plain sight! did you know that mango trees start life as tiny saplings? after just 6-8 months in ideal conditions (warm weather & plenty of sunlight), these young trees will begin producing their first flowers - which eventually turn into juicy mangos full of sweet nectar & crunchy pulp containing numerous viable seeds waiting for germination
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