

今年的rainy season forestry work in Boshan District, Shandong Province, has been carried out on a large scale. Each mountain area has seen the planting of tens of hectares of forest land. To enhance the survival rate of saplings, advanced technologies such as rooting powder have been promoted and applied in plantation operations. Container-grown seedlings with nutrients have been used for transplantation through hole or fish-scale ditch methods, followed by piling up stones to retain water and prevent soil erosion. These measures have effectively increased the survival rate of planted trees.

To ensure that these newly planted forests will continue to thrive in the coming period, Boshan District plans to strengthen its enforcement efforts by posting warning signs and markers around sensitive areas to deter livestock from causing harm to young plants. This comprehensive approach aims at creating one patch of forest that can be preserved for a long time.

This remarkable achievement is not only an affirmation of the district's commitment to afforestation but also serves as a testament to their dedication towards protecting their environment and ensuring sustainable development for future generations.
